Friday, December 14, 2012


December 18:
5:30 PM Christmas Party & White Elephant Gift Exchange!  Bring a small wrapped gift (no names "To" or "From".   You will get a number and when it is your turn, you can either pick an unopened gift or "steal" one that someone has already opened.  It's lots of fun!!

Pinebrook:  If you are going to Pinebrook, Feb. 4-6, bring in your paperwork & $25.00 (savings of $105.00)!  Deadline is Dec. 30. 

Winter Retreat: in Virginia with Mr. Bryan's youth group, January 6-8, 2013.  If you didn't receive the paperwork, please see Mr. Shawn ASAP.  Permission slip & $30 due by Dec. 25.

December 25:
Merry Christmas! 

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Make Fresh Christmas Wreaths, Tue. Nov. 13

Tuesday night, Nov. 13, will be our Annual Christmas Wreath Making Night! Our youth meeting will be extended until 8:00 PM that evening so that everyone gets a chance to make a beautiful, fresh Christmas wreath! 

Please let Mr. Shawn or Ms. Glady know if you will be attending or not, so that we have enough bundles of evergreens, bows, pinecones, etc. 

A very special thank you to Mr. Walt and Ms. Shelly who make this possible each year, and to Ms. Shelly's mother and aunt who always come to help with the final touches! 

Thursday, November 1, 2012

Shoebox Saturday Party!! - November 10th

On Saturday, Nov. 10, we will meet at the church at 10:00a.m., for Shoebox Saturday!  That is the day we will be filling the shoeboxes for Operation Christmas Child.  Last year we packed 160 boxes!!  Our goal this year is 175! 

At 10:00a.m., we will go shopping for shoebox items still needed at the Dollar Tree. THEN... we will go to Chic-Fil-A to get FREE chicken sandwiches, then back to the church to fill the boxes.  It will be FUN, so set the day aside to be part of this wonderful ministry opportunity. 

Pick Up time at the church is 3:00p.m. 

For more information on Operation Christmas Child, go to:

Wednesday, October 31, 2012

All Night Party at Ozzy's, Fri-Sat., Nov. 2-3

We will be meeting at the church at 10:00 PM, Friday night, November 2, to travel by Clifford (our big, red bus), to Ozzy's Family Fun Center in Leesport, PA.  There we will spend the evening doing the following activities: Roller Skating (skates are free or bring your own inline skates), Laser Tag, Rock Climbing, Ropes Course, Roller Hockey, Volleyball, Soccer, Ultimate Frisbee, Flag Football... AND, weather permitting: Minature Golf and Go-karts!!

Please wear sneakers and socks since many activities require them!!

The fun ends at 5:00 AM on Saturday, and we will be back at the church approx. 5:45 AM. 

If you haven't paid, or signed up to come, you can still join us Friday night and pay $30.00 at the door. 

Thursday, October 25, 2012

Halloween Party & Give-Away Night, Tue., October 30

Hey Kids.... It's a PARTY, Tues., October 30!!!   Come "as you are" .... or... Come dressed as someone/something else!!   Come Tuesday night for some Fall fun!  We will be having PIZZA

It will also be the Give-Away Night, for those of you who have been bringing a friend or friends to youth group!  There is a really epic prize, but you have to be here to win!!  You have your name in a basket for each time you brought a friend.  In the running are: Sam and Tina for each time they brought Bekah, Colin for each time he brought Matthew, Kevin for bringing Faith, and Liz for each time she brought Rachel.  SO... make sure you are there Oct. 30th to get a chance to win the prize!!

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Global Aid Food Packaging, Sat. October 13

GAIN - Global Aid Network, in Mt. Joy, PA.   This was a wonderful experience for all who participated last year, bagging the beans and rice meals that were shipped to the straving people in the Horn of Africa.  This is a free event and a wonderful mission opportunity for the entire family to participate in. 

Special forms were sent home with each youth provided by GAIN and every participant, including adults, must have one to participate.  There will be extra forms available before departure, or call the Forks church office (610-942-2626) to one sent or Emailed to you. 

Please have all forms back to the church by Tuesday, Oct. 2... if you cannot attend youth group that evening, you must call/text or Email Mr. Shawn or Ms. Glady no later than Saturday, Oct. 6, to advise if you are going or not.

At this point, we may have the scout bus available, but that won't be confirmed until Oct. 4, so we may need to carpool.  It would also depend on the number of participants going. 

We will meet at the church at 12 Noon.  Our packaging time is 1:15-3:00 PM, same as last year, so we would be back at the church by 4:00. 

For more information bout GAIN, go to:

Permission Forms Due Tues. Oct. 2nd.

REMINDER:  Permission Forms and Payment are due Tue., Oct. 2 - to the trip to Cherry Crest Farm Saturday, Oct. 6... AND.... for the food packing at the Global Aid Network, Saturday, Oct. 13 (Free).  

For Cherry Crest Farm .... We will meet at the church at 9:15a.m., in the front parking lot.  If we have 15 or more going, we will be taking Clifford, the red scout bus!!  Less, and we will have to find parents to help carpool.

Cost is $10.00 per youth group member - IF we get 20 or more to sign up by Tues., Oct. 2nd and order online before the trip. (*Note: some handouts had last year's cost of $8.00 listed in error).

You may invite family members, siblings, friends at the discounted cost of $16.00* (Ages 3 & Up);  Free (Ages 2 & under). (*$2.00 savings per ticket).

Your payment and permission slip must be returned by Tues., Oct. 2nd, to receive the discounted rates. After the 2nd, everyone will have to pay the full price of $18.00.

There will be sandwiches, chips and water available for lunch, but you will need extra money if you wish to purchase any other drinks, snacks or to participate in activities that have an additional charge.

If you cannot make the Oct. 2 meeting, please call Mr. Shawn or Ms. Glady and let them know whether you are going or not going.... either way, please call.

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Youth & Family Fall Festival Day, Saturday, Oct. 6

The Forks Youth are planning to go to Cherry Crest Farm in Strasburg, for a FUN, Family Festival Day, on Saturday, October 6thParents and siblings are encouraged to join us!!  There are over 51 activities and a 5-acre corn maze!!  Go to:  to see everything they have to offer!! 

We will meet in the back church parking lot at at 9:15 AM (returning approx. 3:30 PM). 

At this time... WE NEED DRIVERS to help carpool, as the scout bus may not be available. 

COST:   $10.00* per youth group member - IF we get 20 or more to sign up by Tues., Oct. 2nd.  (*Note: some handouts had last year's cost of $8.00 listed in error).

You may invite family members, siblings, friends at the discounted cost of $16.00* (Ages 3 & Up);  Free (Ages 2 & under). (*$2.00 savings per ticket).

Your payment and permission slip must be returned by Tues., Oct. 2nd, to receive the discounted rates.  After the 2nd, everyone will have to pay the full price of $18.00. 

There will be sandwiches, chips and water available for lunch, but you will need extra money if you wish to purchase any other drinks, snacks or to participate in activities that have an additional charge.

If you have any questions, please contact Mr. Shawn or Ms. Glady!

ICE CREAM SOCIAL - Bring-A-Friend Night, Tue. Sept. 25

Who Wants Ice Cream Sundaes?? 
Come and get 'em Tuesday, Sept. 25, at The Forks Church during Youth Group time: 5:30-7:30 PM.  We will have a light meal & then... SUNDAES!!  All youth in grades 6 thru 12 are invited!!  If you're already a member of youth group.... Bring A Friend!!

Each time you bring a friend, you and your friend will get a ticket.  Save the tickets for a Prize Give-Away on Tuesday, October 23.  The more friends you bring, the better the chance to earn a Prize!! 

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

FORKS YOUTH PROGRAM - Kick-Off & Family Picnic, Tue., Sept. 11

Youth Program Kick-Off & Family Picnic

All youth in grades 6 thru 12, along with your parents are invited to the Kick-Off Picnic on Tue., Sept. 11 at 5:30 PM.

We ask that each family brings a side dish to share. Sloppy Joes, Hotdogs and Beverage will be provided.

We look forward to a year of exciting activities and challenges for the youth.

If you are already in our youth program, we encourage you to invite a friend (or two, or more), school mate or neighbor to come out and see what our youth program is all about.

Please RSVP to Mr. Shawn, 484-883-1140, by Wednesday, Sept. 5, if you are able to attend.

Both Jr. and Sr. High youth groups will meet on Tuesday evenings from 5:30-7:30 PM, with special activity nights sometimes being extended until 8:00 PM. A normal evening will begin with sharing refreshments together, followed by a game or activity, and then devotions followed by small group discussion and prayer.

For more information about our youth program and pictures and articles from past activities can be seen on our blog at:

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Pikeville Mission Trip Pictures Finally Posted

Sorry for the delay in posting the pictures.  The Blog site was giving me "error on page"  for weekes and wouldn't download any slideshows, then I was in Bolivia on an adult mission trip for two weeks (Aug. 11-Aug 26), but finally was able to get them posted.  Enjoy and Share them!!

Thursday, July 19, 2012

Dorney Park Family Day, Friday, August 3, 2012

It's time for the Annual Dorney Park & Wildwater Kingdom Family Day, Friday, August 3!!  It sneaked up on us, so we need to have your ticket reservations ASAP!!  An Email was sent out to every youth family on 7/19, with all the details and Permission Slip so make sure you check your Email

Big Savings on Ticket Prices (regular price $49.99)!!

Youth Group Members: $20.00*  Save: $35.99!
Family Friends: $33.00*  Save: $22.99!
Juniors (up to Age 3 & Under 48") $24.99* Save: $11.00!
* (Includes $6.00 All-Day beverage bracelet for each person)

There will be Bus Transportation from the church. Meet in Parking Lot at 8:30a.m.

We need a minimum of 20 people to order discount tickets.  If we do not have 20 people sign up, the event will be canceled. 

Ticket Order Form, Permission Slip and Payment must be received No Later Than Tuesday, July 31. 

Mail Payment and All Forms to: Forks of Brandywine EPC, 1648 Horseshoe Pike, Glenmoore, PA 19343.  Make Checks Payable to: Forks of Brandywine EPC, with "Dorney Park" on the memo line.  (Mr. Shawn & Ms. Glady will be on Pikeville Mission Trip from July 22 thru July 29, and there is NO Youth Group Meeting on Tuesday, July 31). 

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Pikeville Mission Trip Information!!

Just some final information for our trip to Pikeville this Sunday, July 22!! Please read carefully and completely!

Be at the church at 5:30 a.m. to load vehicles. We will leave at 6:00a.m. SHARP!!

Bring your Medical Release and Consent Form!!

Bring 1 bag / suitcase per person (not including sleeping bags & small personal bag/purse).


Cell phones: You will NOT be able to use cell phones during work hours or group activity time. You will be able to use them during leader-approved free time only. The same rule applies to all other electronic devices (I-pods, MP3's, etc.)


You will need 2-3 pair of work jeans (no work shorts) and work shoes (sneakers or workboots) for work projects.

Bring work gloves and a hat (protection from sun).

Girls' Clothing:

Tops must have straps at least two fingers wide (no spaghetti straps!).

Shorts must reach to end of your fingertips... no short shorts.

Bathing Suits must be one piece! If you bring a 2-piece it MUST be covered with a full, dark tee shirt.


You will need sleeping bags* or sheet/blanket to cover mattresses where we are staying & Pillow.

Do not forget your bath towel.

*You will also need your sleeping bag for camping out Saturday night before we head home on Sunday, July 29.


Bring snacks/drinks for the ride. We will be making a lunch stop on the way down and back (paid with youth funds we raised).

Be In Prayer:

You should be in prayer all week for: safe travel, safety during our work days and activities, for flexibility and unity with Mr. Bryan's group, for the opportunity to share Christ's love with those we work for and interact with during our stay. Remember to give thanks for this opportunity to serve and love others as Christ fist loved us!

Please review the Packing List sent to you to make sure you bring everything you need. If you have any questions or concerns, please reply to this email or call Ms. Glady or Mr. Shawn.

Thursday, July 12, 2012

POOL PARTY & PICNIC, Tuesday, July 17

We need the head count for the Pool Party & Picnic Tuesday night, July 17!  Every youth family was sent an Email on Thursday, July 12 to which you need to reply  no later than Sunday, July 15.  The head count is needed for the food, and to see who is going to ride the bus to the pool party. 

Parents and siblings are invited to attend this event.

A wonderful meal (hamburgers, hotdogs, side dishes, snacks), is provided. 

Meet at the church by 5:20p.m., as the bus will leave promptly at 5:30p.m

Pick Up time back at the church will be 8:30p.m.

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Pikeville Team Commissioning, Sunday, July 15, 2012

All Youth and Leaders going on the mission trip to Pikeville, Kentucky on July 22, are asked to come to church services on Sunday, July 15, at 10:30a.m.  Pastor Will and the Elders will surround us and pray for our safety during travel and our time in Pikeville, and commission us to go in the Name of the Lord, to do His work, being servants of God.

You are aksed to wear the lime green Youth Group shirts to church. If you do not have one, please contact Ms. Glady ASAP.

Please make every effort to be in attendance for this commissioning.  Thank you!

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Schedule for July 2012


Tue. July 3: No Youth Group -
Have a Safe & Happy 4th of July!!

Tue. July 10: Youth Group - Pikeville Information Night
Sr. High bring Commitment Forms with$25 for Pikeville Mission Trip.
Everyone Bring Permission Slips for Pool Party!

Tue. July 17: 5:15 - 8:30 PM - Pool Party Picnic!
Be at the church by 5:15, to carpool to to the Rigg’s home. We may be taking Clifford (our big, red bus), if enough people are going!

Tue. July 24: No Youth Group - Leaders will be on Pikeville Mission Trip.

Tue. July 31: No Youth Group - We will be going to DORNEY PARK on Friday, Aug. 3, instead this week.

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Potato & Chili Bar Fundraiser Another Success!!

   The Youth held one of their infamous Potato & Chili Bars on Sunday, June 17, 2012.  Even with the day being Father's Day, approximately 61 people stayed after worship to enjoy yummy jumbo baked potatoes with all the toppings and bowls of scrumptious chili! 

In the picture are the "Spuds" that advertised this event to the congregation... John, Issac and Samuel (from left to right).  Great job, boys!!  A few more pictures will be posted shortly - (for some reason, the album downloads on the Layout page, but is not showing on our blog. Will keep trying!)

Thank you to the youth who helped and served at the event: Scott, Liz, Tanner & Samuel.

A special thank you to chili makers, Gail, Laurie, Ann and Kathy! Each crockpot of chili was soo delicious that there was barely a spoonful left over! 

A special thank you to Kathy W., who helped rescue Ms. Glady (the only adult in the kitchen) with the prep and serving, and for staying to help clean up, along with Ms. Colleen and Marian G. 

THANK YOU... to our wonderful church family who helped us raise $820 for our mission trip to Pikeville, Kentucky in July!! 

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

CAR WASH Rescheduled for Tuesday, June 19th!!


Due to the rain on Tuesday, June 12, our Car Wash Fundraiser is rescheduled for Tuesday, June 19th!!  Please arrive promptly at 5:30 if you want to eat dinner before we begin washing cars at 6:00!! 

We will be washing cars from 6:00-7:45 PM, so we need every possible youth to come out and help!! 

Spread the word to your family and friends!!  For a donation, we will hand wash and dry their dirty cars!!! 

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

2012 Forks Youth Graduates Honored

On Sunday, June 3, three of the youth from our Youth Program were honored during the worship service and celebrated afterwards with cake, ice cream and strawberries.  Pictured are: Scott, Dylan and JenCongratulations on your achievements and blessings for your futuer endeavors!

Thursday, May 31, 2012

Car Wash Fundraiser, Tuesday, June 12, 2012

On Tuesday, June 12, during our regular meeting time, we will hold our Annual Car Wash Fundraiser.  We will have dinner from 5:30-5:55, and then be ready to wash cars from 6:00-8:00 PM.  This is another fundraiser, so we need every youth to come out and do their part!  So... tell your family and friends to bring their cars out to be washed (for a donation amount at their discretion) and help support our youth program!

Overnight Lock-In & Potato Bar Prep, Fri-Sat. June 15-16

All Youth Come to the Fellowship Hall Friday night, June 15 at 7:00 PM, for check in and pizza!  We will have activities (Murder in the Dark, Sardines, etc.), and watch a Movie. 

Saturday morning we will eat breakfast and then wash, oil and salt the potatoes, and set up for the Potato & Chili Bar on Sunday, June 17.  It is important that every youth make an effort to come to the Lock-In and to help with the Potato Bar as this is one of our biggest fundraisers of the year! 

If you previously signed up to bring a topping, please remember to bring it with you to the Lock-In, or have one of your parents drop it off at the church.... We need: Salsa (mild), Bacon Bits, Sour Cream, Shredded Cheese, and parents to make a crock pot of chili.  Bring your permission slips to youth group by Tuesday, June 12. 

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

May 5 Overnight Lock-In & Potato Bar POSTPONED!

Please note that due to most of our Sr. High attending PROM on May 6, we are postponing the Overnight Lock-In (Fri., May 4), and the Potato Bar (Sun., May 6), to a weekend in June.  (Other weekends in May have leader conflicts).

The choices are:

June 8-10: which may interfere with graduation and grad parties
June 15-17: with the 17th being Father's Day. 

Each youth family was emailed and mailed a notice asking to advise which weekend would work best, so we can see what works for the majority.  

Our Potato Bar is our biggest fundraiser towards our mission trips, so attendance is crucial. 

Details for the rescheduled weekend will be posted as soon as it is decided.   

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Easter Events & Activities April 6-8

Calling all Youth & Family:
We are asking for your help in supporting the Easter Events next week!

Friday, April 6: Egg Dying & Decorating:
Come to the church at 6:00p.m. (or when you can make it), and help to dye & decorate the hard boiled eggs, fill the plastic eggs with candy, make signs for the Egg Hunt, etc. There will be snacks and drinks!

Saturday, April 7: The Great Celebration and Community Egg Hunt:
We need youth and family members to help set up, assist with stations (balloon making, egg decorating, face painting, etc.), and clean up. Volunteers report at 9:30a.m.

Sunday, April 8: Sunrise Service & Breakfast:
ALL SR. HIGH YOUTH who plan to go on the Pikeville Mission Trip should make every effort to be at the church at 6:30a.m. to set up for the breakfast we will be serving after the 7:00a.m. Sunrise Service, and plan to help clean up afterwards. This is one of the main fundraisers for your mission trip!

Bring your sign up sheets or notify Mr. Shawn or Ms. Glady whether you can help with any of these events by the Tuesday night meeting, Apr. 3.

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Youth & Family Indoor Swim - Sat. March 31

All Youth and Family members are invited to the INDOOR SWIM at St. Mary of Providence on Saturday, March 31st.

Meet at the church at 3:45p.m., and we will be taking Clifford (the red scout bus) to St. Mary's (approx. 10 minutes from church).

The swim time will be from 4:00-5:30p.m. Pick up will be back at the church at 6:00p.m.

This event is FREE to all youth group members and leaders. Family members and invited friends pay $3.00 each.

Come out for an afternoon of FUN!

GIRLS: ONE-PIECE BATHING SUITS... or a tank top or tee shirt to cover a two-piece suit.

Saturday, March 17, 2012

March Madness St. Patty's Party Pictures Posted!!

Hey Kids... Glad to see so many of you come out for our March Madness St. Patty's Party!

Good job wearing green and writing your limericks!! They were great!

Check out the pictures in the right column and the album is also in our Forks Youth group on Facebook!


Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Sat. March 17 - March Madness & St. Patrick's Day Party!!

Come out for an afternoon to "Hang Out" and "Have Fun"!! WEAR GREEN! Meet at the church at 2:00 PM and there will be:

Basketball Shooting Contest, Wearin'-O-the-Green Contest, Limerick Writing Contest, Music (can anyone teach us an Irish jig?), Games, Pizza, Cake and Ice Cream (sshh.. it's Ms. Glady's birthday!), snacks, and Ms. Glady's famous green St. Patty's Punch!

We will end our day around 5:00 PM. We need to plan food and activities according to the number of people coming, so PLEASE return you Sign Up Forms by Tuesday, March 6, or let Mr. Shawn know (either way...YES or NO)... no later than Sunday, March 11.

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

PINEBROOK Pictures Are Posted!!

Check out the pictures on the right and you will see the FUN we had at Pinebrook this year! 23 from the Forks youth group rode on Clifford to reach our destination around 8:30 Friday night, February 3. It was a weekend of food, fun, food, praise, food, indoor swimming... did I say food, flag football, volleyball, basketball, paintball, ping pong, pool and board games. COMPEL is an awesome band and led us in worship again this year.

A special thank you to Mr. Walt and Ms. Shelly for being chaperones!

Monday, February 13, 2012

FEB. 14 - Deliver Valentines to Hickory House Residents

Tuesday, February 14, we will be taking the Valentine cards we made to the residents at Hickory House Nursing Home. We will be showing God's Love to these residents and hopefully bringing a smile to their faces and Joy to their hearts! There are approximately 105 residents and we have made enough cards for each one!!

Please meet at the church at 5:30 PM SHARP, so that we can leave no later than 5:45 PM to deliver the cards.

We will return to the church around 6:30 for dinner and a Valentine treat!

Please let Ms. Glady know by text or Email ... "YES" or "NO" whether you can participate.

Monday, February 6, 2012

Feb. 7: Make Valentine Cards for Residents of Hickory House

Just a reminder... On Tuesday, Feb. 7th, there is no regular meeting, BUT... we will be making more Valentine cards to take to the residents of Hickory House on Feb. 17th. On Feb. 7th, we made about 35 cards for the residents, but there are 100 residents currently at Hickory House, so we need to make MORE!

If you can come to help make cards, please text or call Ms. Glady.

Meet at the church at the normal 5:30p.m. time, or whenever you can make it! There will not be dinner, but there will be snacks and drinks!! Hope to see you there!!

Thursday, January 26, 2012



Everyone going to Pinebrook (and that is 24 of us!)...

Meet at the Church by 5:15 PM, Friday night, Feb. 3.
CLIFFORD (the big, red bus) WILL PULL OUT AT 5:30 SHARP!!

The trip will be 2&1/2 hours and we will stop at McDonald's for dinner on the way up, so bring money for dinner, or pack your dinner.

We will return on Sunday approximately at 3:30 PM.

You will be staying in assorted dormitories that house 3 to 8 people. You will need to bring your own bedding (sheets, pillow, blankets, etc.). It is strongly recommended to bring a sleeping bag since is does get very cold at Pinebrook. Along with your bedding your should bring:

  • · Towels and toiletries
    · Flashlight
    · Bible (very important)
    · Warm coat, gloves, hat or earmuffs (it gets COLD)!
    · Rain coat or poncho, umbrella (if rain forecasted)
    · EXTRA SPENDING MONEY - There is a snack bar and gift shop on campus. The Administration Bldg also has games such as ping pong, pool, air hockey. These games require coins to operate them and a deposit fee will also be charged for the use of the equipment. The deposit fee will be returned when the equipment is returned in good condition ($10 for cue stick, $5 for a ping pong paddle, etc.).

    PAINTBALL: $18 for 500 rounds and equipment - a camouflage suit is available for an additional $5.00

    SWIMMING: Girls MUST wear a one-piece swim suit (or tankini).
    NO two-piece suits.

    **Your leaders will allow cell phone use during free time if not abused.

If you have any questions or concerns, call, text, or email Ms. Glady.

Friday, January 20, 2012

Swim Party for January 21 - POSTPONED

Sorry Everyone... They are calling for snow and/or icy mix on Saturday (probably will turn out to be nothing...) so our swim party is CANCELED for Jan. 21.

WE WILL reschedule it for Saturday, February 18th. That day we will be renting the pool, so that we have it all to ourselves! The time will be later, though.

We will meet at the church at 3:30pm and go to swim from 4:00-5:30, and then return to the church for pick up by 6:00pm. Maybe we can plan to have a light dinner together when we return to the church... Let's talk about it!

Flyers will be handed out closer to the date! Sorry for the disappointment!

Thursday, January 12, 2012

Youth Schedule January - March 2012

FORKS Youth Schedule – JANUARY – MARCH 2012

Jan 03 Tue 5:30-7:30 PM Regular Meeting
Jan 6-8 Fri 5:00 PM –Sun. Noon Sr. High Winter Retreat Camp Highroad, VA
Jan 10
Tue 5:30-7:30 PM Regular Meeting
Jan 17 Tue 5:30-7:30 PM Regular Meeting
Jan 21 Sat 1:30-3:30 PM Winter Event - Indoor Swim
Jan 24 Tue 5:30-7:30 PM Regular Meeting
Jan 31 Tue 5:30-7:30 PM Make Valentines for Hickory House Residents

Feb 3-5 Fri. 5:00PM-Sun 3:30PM Pinebrook Winter Retreat Stroudsburg, PA
Feb 7 NO MEETING - Winter Break
Feb 14 Tue. 5:30-7:30 PM Take Valentines to Hickory House
Feb 21 Tue 5:30-7:30 PM Regular Meeting
Feb 28 Tue 5:30-7:30 PM Regular Meeting

Mar 6 Tue 5:30-7:30 PM Regular Meeting
Mar 13 Tue 5:30-8:30 PM Regular Meeting
Mar 17 Sat 2:00-6:00 PM March Madness / St. Patrick’s Day Party
Mar 20 Tue 5:30-7:30 PM Regular Meeting
Mar 27 Tue 5:30-7:30 PM Regular Meeting

Sunday, January 8, 2012

Virginia Winter Retreat Was Awesome!

Eight Sr. High Youth (Dylan, Tommy, Tanner, Ryan, Jen, Lauren K., Ciara, and Michael) and 3 Adults (Ms. Glady, Mr. Shawn & Mr. Walt) left Friday, Jan. 6, at 5 PM to head to Middleburg, Virginia. A 3.5 hour ride ended at Camp Highroad, where we met up with Bryan & Kate Rigg, and youth from their church, Redeemer Pres., in Lynchberg. It was good to see some of the friends we met and worked with in Pikeville, KY, when we joined them for a mission trip in June, and to form new friendships. There was a total of 34 adults and two children (Naomi & Charlie Rigg).
It was a weekend of fellowship, food, and FUN, as we had Bible lessons, 4-square, UFO picture taking, 4-square, a treasure hunt, 4-square, Hawaiian Happy Meal contest, 4-square, football, capture the flag, campfire w/s'mores, 4-square, a movie, and other fun stuff!! The dinosaurs won the most points for all the competitions, followed closing by the lizards, snakes and frogs!
Fun was had by all, and a special thank you to Bryan & Kate for making all the arrangements, and inviting our youth group to be a part of the weekend, and to Mr. Walt, who joined us as a chaperone and driver. Pictures will be posted in a day or two.