Friday, December 14, 2012


December 18:
5:30 PM Christmas Party & White Elephant Gift Exchange!  Bring a small wrapped gift (no names "To" or "From".   You will get a number and when it is your turn, you can either pick an unopened gift or "steal" one that someone has already opened.  It's lots of fun!!

Pinebrook:  If you are going to Pinebrook, Feb. 4-6, bring in your paperwork & $25.00 (savings of $105.00)!  Deadline is Dec. 30. 

Winter Retreat: in Virginia with Mr. Bryan's youth group, January 6-8, 2013.  If you didn't receive the paperwork, please see Mr. Shawn ASAP.  Permission slip & $30 due by Dec. 25.

December 25:
Merry Christmas!