Thursday, February 7, 2013

Youth Schedule February - April 2013

FORKS Youth Schedule – FEBRUARY – APRIL 2013

Feb 1-3
Pinebrook Winter Retreat 
Feb 4 Tue 5:30-7:30 PM Regular Meeting

Feb 12 Tue 5:30-7:30 PM Take Valentines to Hickory House Forks Church

Feb 19 Tue 5:30-7:30 PM Regular Meeting

Feb 26 Tue 5:30-7:30 PM Regular Meeting

Mar 5 Tue 5:30-7:30 PM Regular Meeting

Mar 12 Tue 5:30-7:30 PM Regular Meeting

Mar 19 Tue 5:30-7:30 PM Regular Meeting

Mar 22-23 Fri 7:00PM-Sat 12Noon Overnight Lock-In & Potato Bar Prep Forks Church

Mar 24 Sunday 10:00 AM Potato & Chili Bar Fundraiser

Mar 26 Tue 5:30-7:30 PM Regular Meeting

Mar 30 Sat 10:00 AM Church & Community Egg Hunt Forks Ball Field

Mar 31 Sun 6:30 AM Sunrise Service & Easter Breakfast Fundraiser

Apr 2 Tue 5:30-7:30 PM Regular Meeting

Apr 9 Tue 5:30-7:30 PM Regular Meeting

Apr 13 Sat 7:30 AM – 4:30 PM Teen Bash C.E. Challenge Day! Meet at Church

Apr 16 Tue 5:30-7:30 PM Regular Meeting

Apr 23 Tue 5:30-7:30 PM Regular Meeting

Apr 30 Tue 5:30-7:30 PM Regular Meeting

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Pinebrook Retreat = COOL, No... COLD!!

Pinebrook Winter Retreat: Friday, Feb. 1- Sunday, Feb. 3 was a very cold, but a great time had by all!!  Once again Clifford clamored and clanged up the mountains to Stroudsburg, PA and delivered 23 of us at the retreat.  There was a much smaller group at Pinebrook this year, approximately 90 people, so we shared the retreat with another group. 

Pastor Will Snyder from The Forks Church travelled with us, and was the Speaker for the weekend. He did an awesome job and made a real connection with the kids. His talks on Christ and the Church reached out to all of us. 

Did I mention that it was cold?  It was COLD!!  There was only a dusting of snow on the tubing hill and a small patch of ice on the lower part of the hill that a few of us tried tubing on, but it wasn't a big hit.  The biggest hit of the free time on Saturday was the indoor heated pool and avid game of Taboo between, Ms. Glady, Mr. Walt, Ms. Shelly, Emily, Marissa, Kristen, and Jen (of which Ms. Glady and Ms. Shelly won even after joining the game an hour after it started!) 

Poor old Clifford...guess he didn't like sitting neglected and freezing for two days, because he refused to start on Sunday when it was time to load him up and head home.  We greatly appreciate the help of the man who came down and worked for over 20 minutes to get him jump started, and we were only 1/2 later than scheduled getting home!! 

Pictures from the weekend are posted on the right!

January Winter Retreat in Virginia = AWESOME!

Clifford (the big, red bus) was loaded with luggage and 19 of us... and we rattled and rolled for 5 hours on Friday night, January 4, 2013, arriving at Camp Shenandoah Springs in Madison, Virginia about 10:30p.m. It was DARK, and it was COLD! Old Clifford barely squeezed through the narrow, 1&1/2 mile drive cut through banks of trees leading up to the camp. 

We met Mr. Bryan's group from Redeemer Church in Lynchburg, Virginia, and totaled 35 people in all. The lodge building where we met as a common room was heated by a fireplace so most of stayed wrapped in coats and scarves, but we sang and snacked and it was good to be with old friends again.  The two groups met for a winter retreat in January 2012, and have stayed and worked together in Pikeville, Kentucky for a summer mission week for the past several years.

Pictures are in the Right Column box.  Enjoy the memories!!