Wednesday, November 9, 2011


Everyone had a GREAT time Tuesday night, Nov. 8, making beautiful live Christmas wreaths to take home and decorate their doors! All together we made 20 wreaths.

A VERY SPECIAL THANK YOU TO: Mr. Walt, who worked for 3 days cutting greens and tying 244 bundles with 6 stitches in his thumb that he sliced open during our Potato Bar on Sunday! Also, we wish to thank Ms. Shelly, and her mother, Fran Castle, and her Aunt Sissy, Virginia Griffith, for helping to add the bows, pinecones, etc., and for keeping everything organized and flowing smoothly.

Check out the pictures to the right. If you double click on them, it will take you to the album and you can see enlarged pictures.

Monday, November 7, 2011

NOVEMBER SCHEDULE - (Note Change of dates)

TUES., NOV. 8: 5:30-8:30PM: Wreath Making Night. We will be making beautiful live wreaths for Christmas. This takes a lot of time, so please note the extended meeting time!

TUES., NOV. 15: 5:30-7:30PM: Thanksgiving Dinner - complete with turkey, stuffing, mashed potatoes and gravy, corn, cranberry sauce and pies!!!

FRI-SAT., NOV. 18-19: All Night Bowling at Downingtown Bowling Palace. Meet at the church at 11:30PM and we bowl until 6:00 AM. All you can eat pizza and sodas provided!! You can still sign up to come! $12.00 for youth group members, $30 at the door for family members and friends!!

TUES., NOV. 22: 5:30-7:30 PM Meeting (This is a change from the original schedule)

TUES., NOV. 29: NO MEETING (This is a change from the original schedule)

Potato & Chili Bar Funraiser Nov. 6, 2011

Kids... you did a GREAT job setting up for our Baked Potato & Chili Bar Fundraiser during our Lock-In AND another great job in setting up and serving our church family and guests on Sunday! Thank you to all of you who were able to help in making our fundraiser a success. The proceeds will help to sponsor our weekend winter retreat at Pinebrook, February 3-5, 2012.

Check out the pictures on the right from both the Lock-In and the Potato Bar!

THANK YOU to our Forks Family who came out and supported us! There were approximately 73 attending (not counting the youth and kitchen workers), and the 100 potatoes we prepared were barely enough. We apologize that there were not enough to offer seconds this time (and for the few workers who were not able to enjoy one), but the sign up numbers were way down, BUT.. we will plan accordingly for our next Potato Bar!

We wish to thank the parents who donated toppings for the potatoes, and Ann Marryatt, Anna Marie Manness, Laurie Stott and Kathy Wills who brought the delicious pots of chili!! A special thank you to "Ms. Shelly" Rigg who helped "Ms. Glady" in the kitchen for prep and clean up, and Anna Marie Manness, Pete Dawson and Colleen Knudson who helped with clean up (and anyone else I may be forgetting to mention).

Thank you to "Ms. Meg" Carafa and Samuel Wills for being our "Spuds" this year and making the announcement to the congregation! (unfortunately I forgot to get pictures of you!)

Please pray for "Mr. Walt" Rigg who cut his thumb while helping to open a can and had to be taken to the hospital where it took 8 stitches to sew up the wound. Pray for quick healing and that it doesn't hinder his work with his Christmas Tree business!

Operation Christmas Child Exceeds Our Goal!!

Awesome Job, Kids!! We exceeded our goal of filling 100 shoeboxes!! With the very generous support of our church family, we were able to fill 128 shoeboxes during our meeting on November 1st, to add to 20 boxes that were already filled and donated.

TOTAL: 148 FILLED BOXES!! (with more filled boxes being added through Nov. 13).

What a blessing these boxes will be to many underprivileged children around the world! Not only will they receive the gifts within the box, but many will hear about our Lord Jesus for the very first time!

Continue to pray for Operation Christmas Child and for each child who will be receiving a box. Especially pray for the millions who NOT be receiving a box.