Friday, August 2, 2013

Dorney Park Family Day - Thursday, August 22, 2013

Dorney Park Family Day - Thursday, August 22

Meet at the church at 9:00 AM.  We will be taking Clifford, the big red bus!    Family members and Friends are Invited! 

The Cost for Youth Group Members is $20.00.
Friends & Family Cost is Discounted at: $33.00
(Reg. $39.99 online & $49.99 at gate)

Cost includes the park and WildWater Kingdom. Dorney has discontinued their drink bracelet program, so we will have a cooler with drinks and snacks for the youth on the bus. The youth can also feel free to pack a lunch and dinner that we will eat at the bus at designated times (probably around 12:30 and 5:00pm) - or feel free to bring extra money to buy food/drinks at the park anytime during the day.

It is critical that we have at least 20 people committed to go in order for us to receive the reduced ticket prices, so PLEASE let Mr. Shawn know if you plan on going.  IF We Do Not Have 20 People - The Trip will be CANCELED.

Flyers and permission slips will be handed out at the Pool Party on Tuesday, August 6 and Emailed to each family.

PLEASE REPLY no later than Tuesday, August 13.

We plan to return to the church by 10:00 PM.