Wednesday, December 7, 2011



We will have a Christmas Party with a White Elephant Polyanna, on Tuesday, Dec. 20th!

POLYANNA: Each youth should bring a wrapped gift ($5.00 or less). It can be a nice gift or a gag gift (nothing inappropriate!). The rules are as follows:

To participate, you need to bring a gift.

Person #1 opens a gift.
Person #2 can then 'steal' the gift that #1 has if they want it, or open another wrapped gift.
Person #3 can 'steal' from #1 or #2, or open a wrapped gift.
Game continues, 'stealing' or unwrapping.
Once someone has had the same gift 3 times, no one can 'steal' it from them.
Person #1 gets to choose to keep the gift they have or 'steal' any gift from anyone, except those that were stolen 3 times.

It will be FUN, so invite a friend... just ask them to bring a gift!

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Get Ready for PINEBROOK!!

Attention Jr. and Sr. High Youth: It's time to start thinking....

PINEBROOK!! Friday, February 3 - Sunday, February 5, 2012.

Paperwork and permission forms - handed out on Tuesday, Dec. 6.

The cost per youth group member is $25 if paid by Dec. 25. After that date, it will be $30.

You can invite a friend to come, but they will have to pay the full $130 (if paid by Dec. 25), or $140 after Dec. 25.

Ms. Glady will be driving us up in Clifford! We plan to leave the church at 5:30p.m. on Friday night and returning Sunday around 3:30p.m.

Watch for further reminders, packing list, and other details to be posted shortly.