What a BLAST Lily, Lyssie, Madison (Lyssie's cool friend), Jackie, Lauren, Julia and Michael had at the Revolve Tour in Philly Friday night and Saturday, Nov. 6-7th. The adults had a great time, too! We heard young Christian speakers, Chad Eastman, Jenna Lucado (daughter of auther Max Lucado), and several others. We saw drama skits and heard great music by the wrap group... 1 Crew Group and Christian rock band, STELLAR KART! They stole the show! The girls (and moms) think the lead singer, Adam is really HOT!!! (We're taking SIZZLE here!) They have their newest CD which won't be released to the public until Feb. 2010, so we'll have to play it during one of our meetings for those of you who didn't get to go.
Check Out the Pics!!