Monday, September 12, 2011


Check out the Exciting Fall Schedule we have planned for you!!!!

Tuesday night meetings are from 5:30-7:30 PM except where extended times are noted.

Tue. Sept. 13: Youth Kick-Off Picnic
Tue. Sept. 20: 1st Meeting
Tue. Sept. 27: Ice Cream Social - Bring A Friend

Tue. Oct. 04: Meeting
Sat. Oct. 08: Help Volunteer at Sensory Play Day
Tue. Oct. 11: Meeting
Tue. Oct. 18: Meeting
Tue. Oct. 25: Wrap Shoeboxes for Operation Christmas Child (Extended Time til 8:00 PM)
Sat. Oct. 29: Corn Maze at Cherry Crest Farm

Tue. Nov. 1: Pack Shoeboxes (Extended Time til 8:00 PM)
Fri-Sat. Nov. 4-5: Overnight Lock-In
Sun. Nov. 6: Potato Bar Fundraiser at Church
Tue. Nov. 8: Make Fresh Christmas Wreaths (Extended time til 8:30 PM)
Tue. Nov. 15: Meeting
Fri-Sat. Nov. 18-19: All Night Bowling
Tue. Nov. 22: No Meeting - Thanksgiving Break
Tue. Nov. 29: Meeting

Tue. Dec. 06: Meeting
Tue. Dec. 13: Meeting
Tue. Dec. 20: Christmas Party - Caroling at Tel Hai Retirement Home
Tue. Dec. 27: No Meeting - Christmas Break