Thursday, May 31, 2012

Overnight Lock-In & Potato Bar Prep, Fri-Sat. June 15-16

All Youth Come to the Fellowship Hall Friday night, June 15 at 7:00 PM, for check in and pizza!  We will have activities (Murder in the Dark, Sardines, etc.), and watch a Movie. 

Saturday morning we will eat breakfast and then wash, oil and salt the potatoes, and set up for the Potato & Chili Bar on Sunday, June 17.  It is important that every youth make an effort to come to the Lock-In and to help with the Potato Bar as this is one of our biggest fundraisers of the year! 

If you previously signed up to bring a topping, please remember to bring it with you to the Lock-In, or have one of your parents drop it off at the church.... We need: Salsa (mild), Bacon Bits, Sour Cream, Shredded Cheese, and parents to make a crock pot of chili.  Bring your permission slips to youth group by Tuesday, June 12. 

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