Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Potato & Chili Bar Fundraiser Another Success!!

   The Youth held one of their infamous Potato & Chili Bars on Sunday, June 17, 2012.  Even with the day being Father's Day, approximately 61 people stayed after worship to enjoy yummy jumbo baked potatoes with all the toppings and bowls of scrumptious chili! 

In the picture are the "Spuds" that advertised this event to the congregation... John, Issac and Samuel (from left to right).  Great job, boys!!  A few more pictures will be posted shortly - (for some reason, the album downloads on the Layout page, but is not showing on our blog. Will keep trying!)

Thank you to the youth who helped and served at the event: Scott, Liz, Tanner & Samuel.

A special thank you to chili makers, Gail, Laurie, Ann and Kathy! Each crockpot of chili was soo delicious that there was barely a spoonful left over! 

A special thank you to Kathy W., who helped rescue Ms. Glady (the only adult in the kitchen) with the prep and serving, and for staying to help clean up, along with Ms. Colleen and Marian G. 

THANK YOU... to our wonderful church family who helped us raise $820 for our mission trip to Pikeville, Kentucky in July!! 

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