Thursday, May 9, 2013

Preparation for Pikeville Mission Trip - May 14 & May 21, 2013

Youth (and parents of youth) going to Pikeville!!

This is a reminder that the Sharing Your Faith instruction/lessons will take place over the next two youth group meetings on May 14 and 21. Part of the spiritual preparation commitment for the Pikeville trip was that the youth planning on going were to make their best possible effort to attend these meetings.

We are aware that some of you will not be in attendance because of prior band/choral requirements and that is fine. However, if anyone else has a prior commitment for the next two Tuesdays and won't be able to attend the meetings, please let Mr. Shawn know.  

Arrangements will be made for any youth unable to come can still receive the handout materials that will be used for the lessons.

Also, a packet of forms (official permission slip, tentative schedule, packing list, tentative menu) will be distributed at next Tuesday's meeting, May 14.  The packet will also be emailed out to everyone on the Pikeville team the next day.

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