Oct 14 Mon. 5:30-7:30 PM Shopping Night for Shoeboxes
Oct 22 Tue 5:30-7:30 PM Regular Meeting - Pumpkin Carving
Oct 26 Sat 9:45 AM-1:30 PM Global Aid Packaging
Oct 29 Tue 5:30-7:30 PM Halloween Party, Pumpkin Prizes, etc.
Nov 5 Tue 5:30-7:30 PM Pack Christmas Child Shoeboxes
Nov 8 Fri 11:00 PM -
Sat 5:00 AM All Night Bowling
Nov 12 Tue 5:30-8:30 PM Wreath Making Night & Finish Shoeboxes
Nov 19 Tue 5:30– 7:30 PM Regular Meeting
Nov 23 Sat Time To Be Announced Turkey Bowl Football Game
Nov 26 Tue 5:30—7:30 PM Decorate the Church for Christmas
Dec 3 NO MEETING Ladies Evening Out at the Church
Dec 10 Tue 5:30—7:30 PM Regular Meeting
Dec 17 Tue 5:30—7:30 PM Christmas Party –White Elephant Exchange
Dec 24 NO MEETING Christmas Eve Candlelight Service, 7:00 PM
Dec 31 NO MEETING New Year’s Eve Service, 8:00 PM
The Forks Junior & Senior High Youth Group is a program at Forks of the Brandwyine Evangelical Presbyterian Church, 1648 Horseshoe Pike, Glenmoore, PA 19343. 610-942-2626. Church website: www.forkschurch.org The Youth Group is open to all kids in the church and the surrounding community in grades 6-8 for Jr. High and 9-12 for Sr. High. The groups meet at the church every Tue evening from 5:30-7:30pm and share in activities, snacks, Bible lesson, prayer and many activities and events.
Thursday, October 17, 2013
Monday, October 7, 2013
Pikeville Mission Trip Report & Covered Dish Night
Mission Trip & Covered Dish Night, Sunday, October 13, 2013
All youth who went to Pikeville, Kentucky in June on the mission trip are strongly encouraged to invite your family and friends to the covered dish dinner so they can see the pictures of the work you did hear some of you share stories from your week.
Please wear your Pikeville tee shirt and bring a dish to share for dinner!
We will also be seeing pictures and hearing testimonies from the Adult team that went to Island Park, NY, to work with Samaritan's Purse doing Hurricane Sandy Relief work.
All youth who went to Pikeville, Kentucky in June on the mission trip are strongly encouraged to invite your family and friends to the covered dish dinner so they can see the pictures of the work you did hear some of you share stories from your week.
Please wear your Pikeville tee shirt and bring a dish to share for dinner!
We will also be seeing pictures and hearing testimonies from the Adult team that went to Island Park, NY, to work with Samaritan's Purse doing Hurricane Sandy Relief work.
Friday, August 2, 2013
Dorney Park Family Day - Thursday, August 22, 2013
Dorney Park Family Day - Thursday, August 22
Meet at the church at 9:00 AM. We will be taking Clifford, the big red bus! Family members and Friends are Invited!
The Cost for Youth Group Members is $20.00.
Friends & Family Cost is Discounted at: $33.00
(Reg. $39.99 online & $49.99 at gate)
Cost includes the park and WildWater Kingdom. Dorney has discontinued their drink bracelet program, so we will have a cooler with drinks and snacks for the youth on the bus. The youth can also feel free to pack a lunch and dinner that we will eat at the bus at designated times (probably around 12:30 and 5:00pm) - or feel free to bring extra money to buy food/drinks at the park anytime during the day.
It is critical that we have at least 20 people committed to go in order for us to receive the reduced ticket prices, so PLEASE let Mr. Shawn know if you plan on going. IF We Do Not Have 20 People - The Trip will be CANCELED.
Flyers and permission slips will be handed out at the Pool Party on Tuesday, August 6 and Emailed to each family.
PLEASE REPLY no later than Tuesday, August 13.
We plan to return to the church by 10:00 PM.
Meet at the church at 9:00 AM. We will be taking Clifford, the big red bus! Family members and Friends are Invited!
The Cost for Youth Group Members is $20.00.
Friends & Family Cost is Discounted at: $33.00
(Reg. $39.99 online & $49.99 at gate)
Cost includes the park and WildWater Kingdom. Dorney has discontinued their drink bracelet program, so we will have a cooler with drinks and snacks for the youth on the bus. The youth can also feel free to pack a lunch and dinner that we will eat at the bus at designated times (probably around 12:30 and 5:00pm) - or feel free to bring extra money to buy food/drinks at the park anytime during the day.
It is critical that we have at least 20 people committed to go in order for us to receive the reduced ticket prices, so PLEASE let Mr. Shawn know if you plan on going. IF We Do Not Have 20 People - The Trip will be CANCELED.
Flyers and permission slips will be handed out at the Pool Party on Tuesday, August 6 and Emailed to each family.
PLEASE REPLY no later than Tuesday, August 13.
We plan to return to the church by 10:00 PM.
Wednesday, July 17, 2013
Pool Party & Picnic, Tue., August 6
Pool Party & Picnic
Tues. August 6 5:30 to 8:30 PM*
at Bob & Karen Rigg's Home
750 Fairview Rd
Glenmoore, PA
We will meet at the church at 5:15 pm.
*Pick up Time at church will be 8:30 pm.
Please call/text/Email Mr. Shawn or Ms. Glady
if you are planning to attend and be sure to
bring your permission slip.
Reply no later than Tuesday, July 30.
Girls: One-piece bathing suits or colored tank top to cover.
Permission Slips available at July 23 meeting & will be mailed/E-mailed to each family.
Tuesday, July 16, 2013
Please note there have been date changes to the original summer schedule for VBS and Dorney Park Day.
July 23: 5:30-7:30 PM Volleyball & Pizza Night at Carafa's Home
July 30: 5:30-8:30 PM Mini Golf Night
Aug. 3: Family Movie Night Postponed -Date to be Announced
Aug. 6: 5:30-8:30 PM Pool Party & Picnic at Rigg Home
Aug. 12-16: 5:30-8:30PM VBS (youth sign up to help)
Aug. 22: 8:30AM-11:00 PM Dorney Park Day! (note date changed)
Aug. 27: 5:30-8:00 PM Pizza Party / Game Night
July 23: 5:30-7:30 PM Volleyball & Pizza Night at Carafa's Home
July 30: 5:30-8:30 PM Mini Golf Night
Aug. 3: Family Movie Night Postponed -Date to be Announced
Aug. 6: 5:30-8:30 PM Pool Party & Picnic at Rigg Home
Aug. 12-16: 5:30-8:30PM VBS (youth sign up to help)
Aug. 22: 8:30AM-11:00 PM Dorney Park Day! (note date changed)
Aug. 27: 5:30-8:00 PM Pizza Party / Game Night
Thursday, June 27, 2013
Mission Work in Pikeville Completed!
What a great time of work and witness the two groups experienced in Pikeville, Kentucky, June 16-23, 2013! 12 youth and 5 leaders from the Forks Church met up in Kentucky with a group of 23 from Redeemer Church in Lynchberg, Virginia.
Dividing into 5 work teams for the week, they were able to complete all the tasks assigned! They painted several large common areas in one of the dorm buildings, replaced a large tin roof on Mr. and Mrs. Brown's house, completely built a new pitched roof over Ms. Linda's flat-roofed trailer and painted the front and side of her trailer. A small team worked Friday afternoon and early Saturday morning to build two sets of outside steps for Ms. Mural.
Even with all their work, there was time in the evenings to play Four Square, Basketball, spend time in the gym, go for ice cream, go swimming, see the new Superman movie, and camp overnight in tents Saturday night before heading home on Sunday, June 23!
The parents of each of these kids should be very proud of their accomplishments! All the leaders are!
Enjoy the pictures to the right. There are some more to be added. They will also be posted on Facebook shortly.
Dividing into 5 work teams for the week, they were able to complete all the tasks assigned! They painted several large common areas in one of the dorm buildings, replaced a large tin roof on Mr. and Mrs. Brown's house, completely built a new pitched roof over Ms. Linda's flat-roofed trailer and painted the front and side of her trailer. A small team worked Friday afternoon and early Saturday morning to build two sets of outside steps for Ms. Mural.
Even with all their work, there was time in the evenings to play Four Square, Basketball, spend time in the gym, go for ice cream, go swimming, see the new Superman movie, and camp overnight in tents Saturday night before heading home on Sunday, June 23!
The parents of each of these kids should be very proud of their accomplishments! All the leaders are!
Enjoy the pictures to the right. There are some more to be added. They will also be posted on Facebook shortly.
Wednesday, May 15, 2013
Hey Kids.... Especially those going on the Pikeville Mission Trip!
You are expected to participate in the Car Wash Fundraiser on Friday, May 31st. We will be washing cars to raise more money for our trip to Kentucky.
Please be at the church by 5:30p.m. and plan to stay until 8:00p.m.
Tell your family, neighbors and friends to bring their cars out to be washed!
You are expected to participate in the Car Wash Fundraiser on Friday, May 31st. We will be washing cars to raise more money for our trip to Kentucky.
Please be at the church by 5:30p.m. and plan to stay until 8:00p.m.
Tell your family, neighbors and friends to bring their cars out to be washed!
Thursday, May 9, 2013
Preparation for Pikeville Mission Trip - May 14 & May 21, 2013
Youth (and parents of youth) going to Pikeville!!
This is a reminder that the Sharing Your Faith instruction/lessons will take place over the next two youth group meetings on May 14 and 21. Part of the spiritual preparation commitment for the Pikeville trip was that the youth planning on going were to make their best possible effort to attend these meetings.
We are aware that some of you will not be in attendance because of prior band/choral requirements and that is fine. However, if anyone else has a prior commitment for the next two Tuesdays and won't be able to attend the meetings, please let Mr. Shawn know.
Arrangements will be made for any youth unable to come can still receive the handout materials that will be used for the lessons.
Also, a packet of forms (official permission slip, tentative schedule, packing list, tentative menu) will be distributed at next Tuesday's meeting, May 14. The packet will also be emailed out to everyone on the Pikeville team the next day.
This is a reminder that the Sharing Your Faith instruction/lessons will take place over the next two youth group meetings on May 14 and 21. Part of the spiritual preparation commitment for the Pikeville trip was that the youth planning on going were to make their best possible effort to attend these meetings.
We are aware that some of you will not be in attendance because of prior band/choral requirements and that is fine. However, if anyone else has a prior commitment for the next two Tuesdays and won't be able to attend the meetings, please let Mr. Shawn know.
Arrangements will be made for any youth unable to come can still receive the handout materials that will be used for the lessons.
Also, a packet of forms (official permission slip, tentative schedule, packing list, tentative menu) will be distributed at next Tuesday's meeting, May 14. The packet will also be emailed out to everyone on the Pikeville team the next day.
Friday, April 19, 2013
Forks Youth Schedule May-August 2013
May 7 Tue 5:30-7:30 PM Regular Meeting
May 14 Tue 5:30-7:30 PM Regular Meeting – Sharing Faith #1
May 21 Tue 5:30-7:30 PM Regular Meeting – Sharing Faith #2
May 28 Tue 5:30-7:30 PM Pikeville Prayer & Praise Night / Trip Info
May 31 Fri 5:30-8:00 PM Car Wash Fundraiser - Rain Date: June 7
June 4 Tue 5:30-7:30 PM Talent Show Forks Church
June 7 Tue 5:30-7:30 PM Regular Meeting – OR – Car Wash Rain Date
June 11 Tue 6:00-8:00 PM Movie Night / Discussion Carafa’s Home
June 16-23 Sun 5:45 AM-Sun. 4:00 PM Sr. High Mission Trip to Pikeville, KY
June 25 Tue 5:30-8:00 PM Dairy Queen Night / Pikeville Report
July 2 Tue 6:00-8:00 PM Movie Night / Discussion at Carafa’s Home
July 21-25 6:00-8:30 PM VBS WEEK – Youth Participation Requested
July 30 Tue 5:30-8:30 PM Pool Party or Mini Golf Meet at Church
August 3 Sat 6:00-8:00 PM Family Movie Night Outreach Event
August 6 Tue 5:30-8:30 PM Pool Party/Picnic at Rigg’s Home
August 13 Tue 6:00-8:00 PM Movie Night / Discussion at Carafa’s Home
August 20 Tue 8:30 AM-11:00 PM Dorney Park Day!! Meet at Church
August 27 Tue 5:30-8:00 PM Pizza Party / Game Night
Tuesday, March 26, 2013
FRIDAY, APRIL 29 @ 6:00p.m.: Egg Decorating
Come to the downstairs kitchen at the church for a FUN time dyeing and decorating eggs, and filling plastic eggs with candy for the Egg Hunt on Saturday! Refreshments will be served.
SATURDAY, APRIL 30: The Great Celebration & Community Egg Hunt
We need volunteers to come at 9:00a.m. to help Set Up, Hide Eggs, and help with activites: Face Painting, Balloon Shapes, Egg Decorating, Refreshment Table and Clean Up.
SUNDAY, ARPIL 31: Easter Sunrise Service at 7:00a.m.
Easter Breakfast in the Fellowship Hall after the Sunrise Service.
This is a youth fundraiser and a full menu, hot breakfast is served: Scrambled Eggs, Bacon, Pancakes, Sausage Gravy & Handmade Biscuits, Fruit, Muffins, Coffee, Tea and Juice.
Suggested Donation: $5.00 per person
Come to the downstairs kitchen at the church for a FUN time dyeing and decorating eggs, and filling plastic eggs with candy for the Egg Hunt on Saturday! Refreshments will be served.
SATURDAY, APRIL 30: The Great Celebration & Community Egg Hunt
We need volunteers to come at 9:00a.m. to help Set Up, Hide Eggs, and help with activites: Face Painting, Balloon Shapes, Egg Decorating, Refreshment Table and Clean Up.
SUNDAY, ARPIL 31: Easter Sunrise Service at 7:00a.m.
Easter Breakfast in the Fellowship Hall after the Sunrise Service.
This is a youth fundraiser and a full menu, hot breakfast is served: Scrambled Eggs, Bacon, Pancakes, Sausage Gravy & Handmade Biscuits, Fruit, Muffins, Coffee, Tea and Juice.
Suggested Donation: $5.00 per person
Thursday, March 21, 2013
Baked Potato & Chili Bar Fundraiser, Sun. March 24, 2013
Hey Kids.... Invite your Family and Friends to come to our BAKED POTATO & CHILI BAR Fundraiser at the Forks Church on Sunday, March 24th!!
We will be serving a Yummy Lunch of: Baked Potatoes with all the toppings: cheese sauce, shredded cheese, chopped broccoli, bacon bits, sour cream, butter and salsa. There will be pots of Chili that you can top your potato with or have a bowl on the side.
Take Out will be available!!
Suggested donations: $8.00 per Adult; $5.00 Kids Under 10.
All proceeds will help support the Youth Mission Trip to Pikeville, Kentucky, June 16-23, 2013, where the youth will work with the Pikeville Housing Authority to do projects repairing several homes.
We will be serving a Yummy Lunch of: Baked Potatoes with all the toppings: cheese sauce, shredded cheese, chopped broccoli, bacon bits, sour cream, butter and salsa. There will be pots of Chili that you can top your potato with or have a bowl on the side.
Take Out will be available!!
Suggested donations: $8.00 per Adult; $5.00 Kids Under 10.
All proceeds will help support the Youth Mission Trip to Pikeville, Kentucky, June 16-23, 2013, where the youth will work with the Pikeville Housing Authority to do projects repairing several homes.
Wednesday, February 27, 2013
Overnight Lock-In - Kung Fu Style!!
Friday, March 22 to
Saturday, March 23, 2013
The Tentative itinerary is as follows:
Friday: 7:00 PM Meet at Church & Chow down on Pizza & Eggs Rolls!
7:30 PM Devotional & Activity (Murder in the Dark?)
9:PM Kung Fu Movie & Popcorn
Saturday: 8:00 AM Wake & Breakfast
9:00 - 11:00 Potato Prep & Set Up
11:00-12:00 Activity or Free Time (as time allows)
12:00 Dismissed - Parents Pick Up
ITEMS TO BRING (for Sleepover):
during worship on Sunday…. please think about it!
Saturday, March 23, 2013
We are planning to have a FUN time as we prepare the potatoes and set up everything for the Potato & Chili Bar on Sun., Mar. 24.
7:30 PM Devotional & Activity (Murder in the Dark?)
9:PM Kung Fu Movie & Popcorn
9:00 - 11:00 Potato Prep & Set Up
11:00-12:00 Activity or Free Time (as time allows)
12:00 Dismissed - Parents Pick Up
ITEMS TO BRING (for Sleepover):
- Permission slip!
- Sleeping Bag or Air Mattress, blanket & pillow
- Sleeping attire (if desired)
- Toiletries (toothbrush, deodorant –please!, wash cloth, etc.)
- Bible
- Flashlight (optional)
- Large jar of Salsa (Mild)
- Large container of Sour Cream
- Bag of Shredded Cheddar Cheese
- Jar of Bacon Bits
We need 3 volunteers to be “SPUDS” to go in front of the
congregation and make the announcement for the Potato Bar during worship on Sunday…. please think about it!
Thursday, February 14, 2013
TEEN BASH CHALLENGE, Saturday, April 13
You won't want to miss out on this day of FUN and CHALLENGE! On Saturday, April 13, 2013, we will be leaving the church at 7:30 AM to go to Teen Bash C.E. Challenge Day, at Central Schwenkfelder Church in Worcester, PA.
Please have your permission slips and forms handed in to Mr. Shawn or Ms. Glady by Tues., February 19, so that we each get a FREE T-SHIRT!! You can still register after that, but you will not receive a T-Shirt.
The cost is only $5.00 if you are in the Forks Youth Group, and this INCLUDES LUNCH!!
If you would like to bring sibling(s) or friends... there cost is $10.00.
If there is a group of 15 or more, we will see if we can use Clifford (the big, red scout bus). For a smaller group we will be asking a few parents to help carpool.
Challenges for the Day: 3 on 3 Basketball, Bible Quiz, Spoons, Mario Kart, Cake Decorating (bring your own cake..decorations provided), Ultimate Frisbee, Ninja, Rock-Paper-Scissors, Flag Football, Sing Off, Bombardment, Obstacle Course and Minute to Win It Challenges.
This is a ministry sponsored by Christian Endeavor Mid-Atlantic. For more information, go to: www.cemidatlantic.org/teenbash
Please have your permission slips and forms handed in to Mr. Shawn or Ms. Glady by Tues., February 19, so that we each get a FREE T-SHIRT!! You can still register after that, but you will not receive a T-Shirt.
The cost is only $5.00 if you are in the Forks Youth Group, and this INCLUDES LUNCH!!
If you would like to bring sibling(s) or friends... there cost is $10.00.
If there is a group of 15 or more, we will see if we can use Clifford (the big, red scout bus). For a smaller group we will be asking a few parents to help carpool.
Challenges for the Day: 3 on 3 Basketball, Bible Quiz, Spoons, Mario Kart, Cake Decorating (bring your own cake..decorations provided), Ultimate Frisbee, Ninja, Rock-Paper-Scissors, Flag Football, Sing Off, Bombardment, Obstacle Course and Minute to Win It Challenges.
This is a ministry sponsored by Christian Endeavor Mid-Atlantic. For more information, go to: www.cemidatlantic.org/teenbash
Thursday, February 7, 2013
Youth Schedule February - April 2013
FORKS Youth Schedule – FEBRUARY – APRIL 2013
Feb 1-3
Pinebrook Winter Retreat
Feb 4 Tue 5:30-7:30 PM Regular Meeting
Feb 12 Tue 5:30-7:30 PM Take Valentines to Hickory House Forks Church
Feb 26 Tue 5:30-7:30 PM Regular Meeting
Mar 5 Tue 5:30-7:30 PM Regular Meeting
Mar 12 Tue 5:30-7:30 PM Regular Meeting
Mar 19 Tue 5:30-7:30 PM Regular Meeting
Mar 24 Sunday 10:00 AM Potato & Chili Bar Fundraiser
Mar 26 Tue 5:30-7:30 PM Regular Meeting
Mar 30 Sat 10:00 AM Church & Community Egg Hunt Forks Ball Field
Mar 31 Sun 6:30 AM Sunrise Service & Easter Breakfast Fundraiser
Apr 2 Tue 5:30-7:30 PM Regular Meeting
Apr 9 Tue 5:30-7:30 PM Regular Meeting
Apr 23 Tue 5:30-7:30 PM Regular Meeting
Apr 30 Tue 5:30-7:30 PM Regular Meeting
Wednesday, February 6, 2013
Pinebrook Retreat = COOL, No... COLD!!
Pinebrook Winter Retreat: Friday, Feb. 1- Sunday, Feb. 3 was a very cold, but a great time had by all!! Once again Clifford clamored and clanged up the mountains to Stroudsburg, PA and delivered 23 of us at the retreat. There was a much smaller group at Pinebrook this year, approximately 90 people, so we shared the retreat with another group.
Pastor Will Snyder from The Forks Church travelled with us, and was the Speaker for the weekend. He did an awesome job and made a real connection with the kids. His talks on Christ and the Church reached out to all of us.
Did I mention that it was cold? It was COLD!! There was only a dusting of snow on the tubing hill and a small patch of ice on the lower part of the hill that a few of us tried tubing on, but it wasn't a big hit. The biggest hit of the free time on Saturday was the indoor heated pool and avid game of Taboo between, Ms. Glady, Mr. Walt, Ms. Shelly, Emily, Marissa, Kristen, and Jen (of which Ms. Glady and Ms. Shelly won even after joining the game an hour after it started!)
Poor old Clifford...guess he didn't like sitting neglected and freezing for two days, because he refused to start on Sunday when it was time to load him up and head home. We greatly appreciate the help of the man who came down and worked for over 20 minutes to get him jump started, and we were only 1/2 later than scheduled getting home!!
Pictures from the weekend are posted on the right!
Pastor Will Snyder from The Forks Church travelled with us, and was the Speaker for the weekend. He did an awesome job and made a real connection with the kids. His talks on Christ and the Church reached out to all of us.
Did I mention that it was cold? It was COLD!! There was only a dusting of snow on the tubing hill and a small patch of ice on the lower part of the hill that a few of us tried tubing on, but it wasn't a big hit. The biggest hit of the free time on Saturday was the indoor heated pool and avid game of Taboo between, Ms. Glady, Mr. Walt, Ms. Shelly, Emily, Marissa, Kristen, and Jen (of which Ms. Glady and Ms. Shelly won even after joining the game an hour after it started!)
Poor old Clifford...guess he didn't like sitting neglected and freezing for two days, because he refused to start on Sunday when it was time to load him up and head home. We greatly appreciate the help of the man who came down and worked for over 20 minutes to get him jump started, and we were only 1/2 later than scheduled getting home!!
Pictures from the weekend are posted on the right!
January Winter Retreat in Virginia = AWESOME!
Clifford (the big, red bus) was loaded with luggage and 19 of us... and we rattled and rolled for 5 hours on Friday night, January 4, 2013, arriving at Camp Shenandoah Springs in Madison, Virginia about 10:30p.m. It was DARK, and it was COLD! Old Clifford barely squeezed through the narrow, 1&1/2 mile drive cut through banks of trees leading up to the camp.
We met Mr. Bryan's group from Redeemer Church in Lynchburg, Virginia, and totaled 35 people in all. The lodge building where we met as a common room was heated by a fireplace so most of stayed wrapped in coats and scarves, but we sang and snacked and it was good to be with old friends again. The two groups met for a winter retreat in January 2012, and have stayed and worked together in Pikeville, Kentucky for a summer mission week for the past several years.
Pictures are in the Right Column box. Enjoy the memories!!
We met Mr. Bryan's group from Redeemer Church in Lynchburg, Virginia, and totaled 35 people in all. The lodge building where we met as a common room was heated by a fireplace so most of stayed wrapped in coats and scarves, but we sang and snacked and it was good to be with old friends again. The two groups met for a winter retreat in January 2012, and have stayed and worked together in Pikeville, Kentucky for a summer mission week for the past several years.
Pictures are in the Right Column box. Enjoy the memories!!
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