Monday, October 17, 2011

Shopping Night for Operation Christmas Child Shoeboxes, Tuesday, Oct. 18

Hey Kids & Parents,
Just a reminder for Tuesday, Oct. 18: Meeting is extended to 8:00PM.
TRY TO ARRIVE AS CLOSE TO 5:30 AS POSSIBLE! We will try to finish eating dinner by 6:10, so that we can leave by 6:15 to go to the Dollar Tree in Thorndale to shop for items for our shoeboxes! We will be taking Clifford so that will add to the fun!

If you have not brought in your permission slip to go, please bring it with you or have your parent wait and sign on when they bring you to the meeting. Each person will be given a slip of paper with information of who you will be buying for: whether it is a boy or girl and what their age group is. You will be given $11.00 and able to purchase 1o items each ($10.60 with tax).

Then next week (Oct. 25), we will be wrapping shoeboxes, folding pre-made boxes, and setting the items up on tables so we can begin to fill them during our November 1st meeting.

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