The Forks Junior & Senior High Youth Group is a program at Forks of the Brandwyine Evangelical Presbyterian Church, 1648 Horseshoe Pike, Glenmoore, PA 19343. 610-942-2626. Church website: The Youth Group is open to all kids in the church and the surrounding community in grades 6-8 for Jr. High and 9-12 for Sr. High. The groups meet at the church every Tue evening from 5:30-7:30pm and share in activities, snacks, Bible lesson, prayer and many activities and events.
Wednesday, December 7, 2011
We will have a Christmas Party with a White Elephant Polyanna, on Tuesday, Dec. 20th!
POLYANNA: Each youth should bring a wrapped gift ($5.00 or less). It can be a nice gift or a gag gift (nothing inappropriate!). The rules are as follows:
To participate, you need to bring a gift.
Person #1 opens a gift.
Person #2 can then 'steal' the gift that #1 has if they want it, or open another wrapped gift.
Person #3 can 'steal' from #1 or #2, or open a wrapped gift.
Game continues, 'stealing' or unwrapping.
Once someone has had the same gift 3 times, no one can 'steal' it from them.
Person #1 gets to choose to keep the gift they have or 'steal' any gift from anyone, except those that were stolen 3 times.
It will be FUN, so invite a friend... just ask them to bring a gift!
Tuesday, December 6, 2011
Get Ready for PINEBROOK!!
PINEBROOK!! Friday, February 3 - Sunday, February 5, 2012.
Paperwork and permission forms - handed out on Tuesday, Dec. 6.
The cost per youth group member is $25 if paid by Dec. 25. After that date, it will be $30.
You can invite a friend to come, but they will have to pay the full $130 (if paid by Dec. 25), or $140 after Dec. 25.
Ms. Glady will be driving us up in Clifford! We plan to leave the church at 5:30p.m. on Friday night and returning Sunday around 3:30p.m.
Watch for further reminders, packing list, and other details to be posted shortly.
Friday, November 25, 2011
Wednesday, November 16, 2011
ALL NIGHT BOWLING, Friday-Saturday, Nov. 18-19, 2011
We will be meeting in the front church parking lot on Friday night, Nov. 18, at 11:30 p.m. Just look for Clifford, our big, red scout bus!
You may still invite a friend or family member! The cost is $30 at the door.
For youth group members: the cost is $17.00.
Sponsored by Chester County Christian Endeavor, and we will be interacting with several other youth groups from neighboring churches. There will be various games and chance to win prizes throughout the night, and a time a relaxation and devotions by a special speaker.
The game room (arcade) will be open but you will need to bring your own extra money if you want to play them.
If you have not handed in your money or permission slips, please bring them along.
Call or test Ms. Glady is you are bringing a friend or family member at the last minute.
Take a nap Friday after school and get ready to.... P A R T Y!!!
Thanksgiving Dinner - November 15, 2011
Special thanks to: Ms. Colleen, who always schedules the meals and coordinates volunteers to bring the food donations for all of our dinners, for donating corn, milk and butter and for coming early to help prepare and clean up this special meal; Ms. Shelly, who also came early to prepare and help clean up; to Mr. Walt for helping to clean up; Ms. Meg, who donated mashed potatoes, cranberry sauce and pumpkin pies; Jane Lee Miller, who baked us apple pies; Joan Rigg, for stuffing and pumpkin pies.
It was a blessing to hear all of you say what you are thankful for. It was evident that most of you, and the leaders, are thankful for our youth group, for Christian fellowship, for the support of family and friends.
May all of you have a very blessed Thanksgiving holiday!!
Wednesday, November 9, 2011
A VERY SPECIAL THANK YOU TO: Mr. Walt, who worked for 3 days cutting greens and tying 244 bundles with 6 stitches in his thumb that he sliced open during our Potato Bar on Sunday! Also, we wish to thank Ms. Shelly, and her mother, Fran Castle, and her Aunt Sissy, Virginia Griffith, for helping to add the bows, pinecones, etc., and for keeping everything organized and flowing smoothly.
Check out the pictures to the right. If you double click on them, it will take you to the album and you can see enlarged pictures.
Monday, November 7, 2011
NOVEMBER SCHEDULE - (Note Change of dates)
TUES., NOV. 15: 5:30-7:30PM: Thanksgiving Dinner - complete with turkey, stuffing, mashed potatoes and gravy, corn, cranberry sauce and pies!!!
FRI-SAT., NOV. 18-19: All Night Bowling at Downingtown Bowling Palace. Meet at the church at 11:30PM and we bowl until 6:00 AM. All you can eat pizza and sodas provided!! You can still sign up to come! $12.00 for youth group members, $30 at the door for family members and friends!!
TUES., NOV. 22: 5:30-7:30 PM Meeting (This is a change from the original schedule)
TUES., NOV. 29: NO MEETING (This is a change from the original schedule)
Potato & Chili Bar Funraiser Nov. 6, 2011
Check out the pictures on the right from both the Lock-In and the Potato Bar!
THANK YOU to our Forks Family who came out and supported us! There were approximately 73 attending (not counting the youth and kitchen workers), and the 100 potatoes we prepared were barely enough. We apologize that there were not enough to offer seconds this time (and for the few workers who were not able to enjoy one), but the sign up numbers were way down, BUT.. we will plan accordingly for our next Potato Bar!
We wish to thank the parents who donated toppings for the potatoes, and Ann Marryatt, Anna Marie Manness, Laurie Stott and Kathy Wills who brought the delicious pots of chili!! A special thank you to "Ms. Shelly" Rigg who helped "Ms. Glady" in the kitchen for prep and clean up, and Anna Marie Manness, Pete Dawson and Colleen Knudson who helped with clean up (and anyone else I may be forgetting to mention).
Thank you to "Ms. Meg" Carafa and Samuel Wills for being our "Spuds" this year and making the announcement to the congregation! (unfortunately I forgot to get pictures of you!)
Please pray for "Mr. Walt" Rigg who cut his thumb while helping to open a can and had to be taken to the hospital where it took 8 stitches to sew up the wound. Pray for quick healing and that it doesn't hinder his work with his Christmas Tree business!
Operation Christmas Child Exceeds Our Goal!!
Tuesday, November 1, 2011
If you have not brought in your permission slip, bring it with you. You are encouraged to invite a friend to come with you!
We will have a time of getting to know each other better, Pizza, and Murder in the Dark!!
Saturday morning we will have a French Toast breakfast (bring your own cereal if you don't like French Toast), and then we will be washing and preparing the potatoes and setting up tables and chairs for our Baked Potato and Chili Bar on Sunday. Parents are to pick you up at 12 Noon on Saturday.
What to Bring: A sleeping bag (or air mattress), blanket, pillow, jammies and toiletries. Also, if you could bring something for the potato bar: a large jar of salsa, sour cream or bacon bits.
The Potato Bar is our major fundraiser for the Pinebrook Weekend (Feb. 3-5), so ask your whole family, friends and neighbors to come on Sunday at 11:30 to enjoy a yummy baked potato with all the toppings and a bowl of chili.
Thursday, October 27, 2011
Operation Christmas Child Shoeboxes
On Oct. 25, we folded 100 pre-printed boxes from Samaritan's Purse and wrapped many of the donated shoeboxes in colorful wrapping paper.
Tuesday, Nov. 1: Our meeting will be extended to 8:00PM. We will begin to fill the shoeboxes! If your parents and/or siblings would like to come and join us, they are very welcome.
If you would like to purchase and bring in more items or a filled shoebox, please do so!
Our goal is to fill 100+ boxes!! Remember to pray for Operation Christmas Child over the next few weeks and for each child who will receive a box. Pray that they will receive it with a heart that is open to hearing about our Lord Jesus and they gain the understanding on how to accept Him as their Savior.
Friday, October 21, 2011
Cherry Crest Farm & Corn Maze, Sat. Oct. 22
There are 23 of us signed up to go! Lunch of sandwiches (sweet lebanon, and turkey with cheese), chips, cookies and water will be provided. If you would like to pack your own lunch and bring it along, or bring money to purchase food, that is fine!
CORN MAZE: Spend about an hour in the world's most dynamic and interactive 5-acre corn maze with over 2.5 miles of paths, scenic bridges, and clues. And don't worry if you take the wrong path! Two Maze Masters are always on hand to get you back on track!
OTHER ACTIVITIES: Wagon Farm Tour, Pedal Kart Tracks, Animal Center, Baby Chick Hatchery, Obstacle Course, Giant Hay Chute Slide, Hay Tunnel, Giant Slinger, Straw Bale Racer, and many more!!
Monday, October 17, 2011
Shopping Night for Operation Christmas Child Shoeboxes, Tuesday, Oct. 18
Just a reminder for Tuesday, Oct. 18: Meeting is extended to 8:00PM.
TRY TO ARRIVE AS CLOSE TO 5:30 AS POSSIBLE! We will try to finish eating dinner by 6:10, so that we can leave by 6:15 to go to the Dollar Tree in Thorndale to shop for items for our shoeboxes! We will be taking Clifford so that will add to the fun!
If you have not brought in your permission slip to go, please bring it with you or have your parent wait and sign on when they bring you to the meeting. Each person will be given a slip of paper with information of who you will be buying for: whether it is a boy or girl and what their age group is. You will be given $11.00 and able to purchase 1o items each ($10.60 with tax).
Then next week (Oct. 25), we will be wrapping shoeboxes, folding pre-made boxes, and setting the items up on tables so we can begin to fill them during our November 1st meeting.
Volunteering for Global Aid Network Food Packaging
Youth: You all did an excellent job pouring, bagging, sealing the bags of rice and beans! We worked along side youth and adults from both Fairview Presbyterian and Honey Brook Presbyterian churches, and we were able to fill 88 cases. That is 2,112 bags of rice and 1,056 bags of beans!! That is enough to feed 3 families of 4 people for one whole year!! Great Job!!
We are signing up to do it again in June 2012!
Check out the pictures on the right side of the page!
Thursday, October 13, 2011
REMINDER for Global Aid Trip, Sat. Oct. 15
Be in the back church parking lot by 11:50 to organize the carpool so that we can leave by 12 Noon.
If you want to bring a friend, please contact Ms. Glady before Saturday, so that we have enough drivers to carpool.
Monday, September 12, 2011
Tuesday night meetings are from 5:30-7:30 PM except where extended times are noted.
Tue. Sept. 13: Youth Kick-Off Picnic
Tue. Sept. 20: 1st Meeting
Tue. Sept. 27: Ice Cream Social - Bring A Friend
Tue. Oct. 04: Meeting
Sat. Oct. 08: Help Volunteer at Sensory Play Day
Tue. Oct. 11: Meeting
Tue. Oct. 18: Meeting
Tue. Oct. 25: Wrap Shoeboxes for Operation Christmas Child (Extended Time til 8:00 PM)
Sat. Oct. 29: Corn Maze at Cherry Crest Farm
Tue. Nov. 1: Pack Shoeboxes (Extended Time til 8:00 PM)
Fri-Sat. Nov. 4-5: Overnight Lock-In
Sun. Nov. 6: Potato Bar Fundraiser at Church
Tue. Nov. 8: Make Fresh Christmas Wreaths (Extended time til 8:30 PM)
Tue. Nov. 15: Meeting
Fri-Sat. Nov. 18-19: All Night Bowling
Tue. Nov. 22: No Meeting - Thanksgiving Break
Tue. Nov. 29: Meeting
Tue. Dec. 06: Meeting
Tue. Dec. 13: Meeting
Tue. Dec. 20: Christmas Party - Caroling at Tel Hai Retirement Home
Tue. Dec. 27: No Meeting - Christmas Break
Wednesday, September 7, 2011
Time: 5:30-7:30 PM. Bring a covered dish to share. Sloppy Joes and Hot Dogs will be provided.
Invite your friends from school and the kids in your neighborhood who are in 6-12 grade. Meet our new youth director, Shawn Carafa, and get a preview of the exciting events planned for you in the months ahead... Ice Cream Social, Cherry Crest Farm, Overnight Lock-In, Potato Bar, All-Night Bowling, Packaging Food at the Global Aid Network... and MORE!!
Please let Ms. Glady know ASAP if you plan to attend so that the food can be planned accordingly.
Would you like to have a Tug-A-War... Kids against Adults? Oh Yeah!! Bring it On!!