Monday, November 23, 2009


The leaders are very proud of each one of you who took the challenge a wrote a paper on what you are thankful for! Each one was very special. Here is how your peers rated your papers, picking the top 5 places:
1st Place: Brianna
2nd Place Tie: Jackie and Alex
3rd Place: Tina
4th Place: Michael
These were the top 5 papers, so counting the votes further to find the 5th place winner... it goes to Lauren! You can read these papers in our Church's Dec/Jan Newsletter which will be available to read/print on our website:, after Nov. 25. You will definately want to read them!
CONGRATULATIONS to all of you! You will be awarded your Bible dollars at our Dec. 1st meeting.

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Girls Go to Revolve Tour in Philly!!

What a BLAST Lily, Lyssie, Madison (Lyssie's cool friend), Jackie, Lauren, Julia and Michael had at the Revolve Tour in Philly Friday night and Saturday, Nov. 6-7th. The adults had a great time, too! We heard young Christian speakers, Chad Eastman, Jenna Lucado (daughter of auther Max Lucado), and several others. We saw drama skits and heard great music by the wrap group... 1 Crew Group and Christian rock band, STELLAR KART! They stole the show! The girls (and moms) think the lead singer, Adam is really HOT!!! (We're taking SIZZLE here!) They have their newest CD which won't be released to the public until Feb. 2010, so we'll have to play it during one of our meetings for those of you who didn't get to go.
Check Out the Pics!!

Wednesday, August 5, 2009


DON'T MISS OUR SPECIAL BONFIRE NIGHT!!! Originally, there was No Meeting scheduled for Tues., Aug., 25th, but we have been invited by Bill and Barb Smith to have a special night at their home. We will meet at the church at 6:00pm and have dinner as usual. Then we will go to the Smith's for a special devotion, activities and bonfire... with S'Mores as dessert!!!

The night will be extended until 9:00 p.m. for pick up back at the church! What a great way to end our year's program before school starts and you have to go to bed earlier! Please let one of your leaders know if you will or will not be attending by Tues., Aug. 18th. Thank you!


Hey Kids! What an AWESOME week we had during our Mission Project Week! You were the BEST! Alyssa, Brianna, Sarah, Jackie, Alex, Bianca, Essie, Tiff, Chelsi, Lauren C., Josh, Tommy, Matt and Sal... you guys worked hard during the day and played hard during the evenings!!

We did service projects that included, washing siding, washing windows, yard work, housecleaning, painting a porch, and the car wash at the church Wednesday was a blast! We washed 12 vehicles!

The leaders want you to know that each one of you were a real blessing to spend time with and we a blessed to have you in our lives.

Check out the slideshow of pictures from our week together! Pictures say more than words!!

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Our AWESOME Mission Project Week is HERE!!!

Hey Kids... It's here at last!!! Our AWESOME Mission Week!! Here are the reminders:
Come to the church Sunday night, July 19th at 7:00 PM.
Items to Bring: Sleeping bag, blanket, pillow, pajamas, toiletries, towel. OLD clothes for working/painting. Sneakers to work in, flip flops, bathing suit (for pool party and car washing), Bible, flashlight.
Food items (if able): loaf of bread, box of cereal, snacks, bottle of soda.
It will be a super fun week! Pray for good weather!!

Here's our schedule!!
Sunday, July 19
7:00-7:30 PM Check-in at church
7:30-9:00 PM Outside Games (Water Balloons!!)
9:00-10:30 PM Movie, Snacks, Devotions
10:30-11:00 PM Clean Up & Ready for Bed
11:00 PM Lights Out

Monday, July 20
7:30-8:15 AM Wake Up & Devotions
8:15-8:45 AM Breakfast & Clean Up8:45-9:00 AM
Pack Lunches & Items for Job Site
9:00 AM Depart for Job Site
3:30-4:00 PM Return to Church
4:00-6:30 PM Bus to Shower & Free Time
6:30 PM Dinner at church
7:30 -10:00 PM *Mini Golf & Go Karts
10-10:30 PM Clean Up & Ready for Bed
11:00 PM Lights Out

Tuesday, July 21
7:30-8:15 AM Wake Up & Devotions
8:15-8:45 AM Breakfast & Clean Up8:45-9:00 AM
Pack Lunches & Items for Job Site
9:00 AM Depart for Job Site
2:30-3:00 PM Return to Church
3:00-4:30 PM Bus to Shower & Free Time
5:00 PM Dinner at Burger King & Dairy Queen
8:00-10:00 PM *Bonfire at Bill & Barb Smith’s
S’mores, Activities & Devotions
10:30-11:00 PM Clean Up & Ready for Bed
11:00 PM Lights Out

Wednesday, July 22
7:30-8:15 AM Wake Up & Devotions
8:15-8:45 AM Breakfast & Clean Up8:45-9:00 AM
Pack Lunches & Items for Job Site
9:00 AM Depart for Job Site
3:00-3:30 PM Return to Church
3:30-4:30 PM Bus to Shower & Free Time
5:00 PM Pizza Dinner at Pizza Pie in Honey Brook
6:30-8:30 PM *Pool Party at Ms. Anna Marie’s
9:00-10:30 PM *Manhunt in the Cemetery & Other Activities
10:30-11:00 PM Clean Up & Ready for Bed
11:00 PM Lights Out
* Weather permitting – subject to change

Thursday, July 23 PLAY DAY @ OZZY’S SPORTS CENTER!!!
8:00-8:30 AM Wake Up & Devotions
8:30-9:15 AM Breakfast & Clean Up
9:15-10:00 AM Pack and Clean Rooms
10:15 AM Leave for Ozzy’s
4:00 PM Return to Church4-5:00 PM
Final Cleaning of the Church
5:00 PM Parents Pick Up Youth at the Church

Friday, June 5, 2009

RELAY FOR LIFE at Twin Valley High School

Hey Kids! We will be walking as a team in the Relay for Life event at Twin Valley High School from Friday, June 19th through Saturday, June 20th, to help find a cure for cancer. Our group will be walking in memory of Ronald Phillips, who was taken too early by Leukemia. If you haven't signed up for the Relay for Life team, we need you to do it by our meeting June 9, so that we can purchase our team tee shirts and plan how many are going to stay all night, or just come during the times they can walk the track, etc. If you didn't receive the permission slip or papers, please call a leader ASAP. Our purpose is to raise money for cancer research and here is the insert that has been in our church bulletin that explains how people can help us:

The Jr. High Youth Group will be walking as a team in the Twin Valley Relay for Life.
Relay for Life is a 24-hour event in which team members walk on a track in relay fashion for 24 hours to raise money to fight cancer. The event will start at noon Friday, June 19th and end at noon, Saturday, June 20th.

Would you please consider sponsoring our youth in one of three ways:

1) Each student is required to pay a $10.00
registration fee to walk. Some of our youth need
assistance in paying this fee. If you would like to
help with this, please see Shelly, Walt or Glady.

2) Each student is asked to get donations for walking. WE WILL WALK FOR YOU! We will walk in memory or in honor of your loved one. As a team we will be wearing matching shirts; when you donate we will put your loved ones name on our shirt.

3) Please keep us in your prayers as we represent
the Forks of the Brandywine EPC in this community fundraiser for the American Cancer Society.


Hey Kids! You need to bring your permission slips and medical forms in for our "AWESOME" Mission Week Lock-In by the meeting of June 9, if possible. If you forget it, have your parents call Ms. Glady to let her know you will definitely be attending. We have people in the church signing up to have projects done around their homes and we need to know how many of you will be able to help so we can make teams to cover the jobs and not over schedule.
Most of you should have received the schedule of events by now.... Doesn't it look like FUN, FUN, FUN! And what a blessing it will be to serve the people of our church family and community!!!

Tuesday, June 2, 2009


CONGRATULATIONS to the following winners of our Pet Photo Contest:

Funniest Dog: Auggy, owned by Alex W.
Funniest Cat: Marlo, owned by Alex W.

Cutest Dog: Scrappy, owned by Gavin
Cutest Cat: Fatso, owned by Jen

Funniest Expression Dog: Scrappy, owned by Gavin
Funniest Expression Cat: Fatso, owned by Jen (tie)
Funniest Expression Cat: Pinky, owned by Lauen K. (tie)

Best Dressed Dog: Maya, owned by Alyssa
No Best Dressed Cat

Strangest Position/Location Dog: Marci, owned by Tommy
Strangest Position/Location Cat: Daniel, owned by Lauren K.

Unfortunately the pictures were not provided online, so they could not be posted to our blog. Pictures were printed in the church's June Newsletter and copies provided to all Jr. High families.

PRIZES: The Owners received $10 Bible Dollars and the Winners received a pet toy.

Thank you to all the youth who brought in pictures and CONGRATS to all the WINNERS!!!

Sunday, April 19, 2009

The Prayer Garden

Here is an interactive link that is fun to view and inspirational at the same time. It is pretty awesome. You will visit the garden, the fountain, the river and the table. Each place has interactive things to click on which give you scripture and messages. When you want to move onto the next place, click on the firefly. Enjoy!

Wednesday, April 15, 2009


Check out the Link just added to our blog on the left, titled "Bible At a Click". This will take you to a page where you can click on any book and chapter of the Bible from ONE page! It is really awesome. Take advantage of this easy access to the Bible!


You can post your comments about what you think about this link.

Sunday, April 12, 2009


Wow Guys! What a GREAT job you did dying and decorating all those eggs for the Egg Hunt! You decorated over 500 eggs!! THANK YOU to those who came out to help and to Lauren's sisters and brother, Marissa, Bekah and Kevin who came to help in Lauren's place!

THANK YOU to those of you who came out in the rain to help set up and help with activities at the Egg Hunt on Saturday.... Walt, Jr., Dylan (thanks for making the twisty balloons!), Scott (from Sr. High), Lily, Liz, Allie (not sure if you have an "L" name), Lyssie, Elizabeth and Sierra (thanks for face painting), and to any youth that I may be forgetting to list.

A SPECIAL THANK YOU to Mr. Walt and Ms. Shelly who made the whole thing possible, and the help of all the adults who chippped in to help set up, who donated eggs and candy, helped with traffic control, and all the other activities. Thank you to Mr. McClintock for the special message he gave for everyone.

Check out the Slideshow just posted!

Tuesday, April 7, 2009


Here is your chance to show off your pet(s)! Bring in photos of your pet(s) doing tricks, looking cute, being BAD, or doing something funny. We will post them on the Bulletin Board and then, in a few weeks, when we have all of them posted, we will have a vote to choose the: Best Looking Pet, Funniest Pose, Best Costume, Strangest Position, etc. We'll come up with some more categories together and then VOTE! Let's have FUN with this! Bring in those photos!! If you can send them to Ms. Glady in Email, she will post them on this blog!